The Match Lab

17 Tips for Sending the Best Bumble Openers to Guys

On Bumble, women send the first message — and it’s important to make a good first impression with that opener.

17 Tips for Sending the Best Bumble Openers to Guys

By having control over that opening message, women have the power to start a conversation on Bumble however they want. The right opener can catch a guy’s attention, heighten his interest, and lead to an engaging conversation.

While Bumble can be empowering for women, it can also be intimidating and burdensome. Crafting that perfect opening line for Bumble is tough, and the pressure to stand out from the sea of other potential matches is on.

So what are some tips for sending the best Bumble openers to use on guys?

First off, it’s important to note that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to opening lines. What works on one guy may fall flat on another, so it’s important to tailor your opener to the individual you’re trying to connect with.

That being said, there are some key tips that can help you write good Bumble openers. In fact, the best Bumble openers have a lot in common.

These tips will help ensure that your next first message on Bumble is one that guys will love.

Best Bumble Openers Tip #1: Be authentic

The best Bumble openers are genuine and authentic. Don’t try to be someone you’re not or use cheesy pick-up lines that are overly generic and cliché. Instead, focus on showcasing your personality and finding common ground with your potential match. Express what about them interested you in matching with them. This could be through a shared interest, a funny observation about their profile, or even a compliment that shows you’ve taken the time to really look at their photos and read their bio.

Best Bumble Openers Tip #2: Keep it simple

Another key to sending good Bumble openers is to keep things simple and straightforward. While it can be tempting to overthink your message and try to come up with something overly clever or witty, the best approach is usually to keep things simple and easy to understand — and more importantly, easy to reply to. Remember, the goal of your opening message is to start a conversation so you can assess your compatibility and hopefully schedule a first date. So, don’t be afraid to be straightforward and direct in your approach.

Best Bumble Openers Tip #3: Keep an open mind

Avoid making assumptions about your match based on their profile or photos. Instead, approach each new match with an open mind and a positive attitude. Try to create a welcoming atmosphere in your conversation that can make your match feel comfortable opening up and excited to get to know you better.

Best Bumble Openers Tip #4: Make it personalized

It’s always a good idea to start with a personalized greeting that shows you’ve taken the time to read your match’s profile. Use your match’s first name in your Bumble opening line and mention something specific from their profile or pictures that caught your attention.

Best Bumble Openers Tip #5: Keep it light and playful

Avoid coming across as too serious or intense in your opening message. Instead, keep things light and playful to create a welcoming and positive tone. Use humor, ask a fun question or share a funny story to break the ice. Funny Bumble openers are great conversation starters.

Best Bumble Openers Tip #6: Show interest in your match’s hobbies and passions

Most guys love talking about their hobbies and passions, so asking a question or making a comment about something your match is interested in is a great way to start a conversation on Bumble. For example, you can say “I see that you play guitar. What type of songs do you like to play?” The best Bumble openers to use on guys express genuine interest in learning about who your match is and what makes them light up.

Best Bumble Openers Tip #7: Use emojis to convey emotion

Emojis are a great way to convey emotion and add personality to your opening lines on Bumble. When used right, emojis can show that you’re playful, creative, fun, or even flirty.

Best Bumble Openers Tip #8: Be bold

Bumble is all about women making the first move, so don’t be afraid to be bold and take a chance. Whether it’s a bold compliment, a daring question, or a playful challenge, taking a chance can help you stand out and make a connection with your match. Or, very simply, if you’re really interested in someone, just go out and tell them that. For example, open your chat by saying “Hey, you seem really cool and I’d love to get to know you better.”

Best Bumble Openers Tip #9: Keep it short and sweet

Keep your message short and sweet, limiting it to a sentence or two. Avoid writing long paragraphs or sending a lengthy list of questions. When you keep your message concise and to the point, it will be easier for your match to read and respond quickly, and it’ll increase the chances of a having successful conversation.

Best Bumble Openers Tip #10: Comment on something in their profile

One of the best Bumble openers to use on guys is to show that you’ve actually taken the time to look through their profile and found it interesting. Look for something that catches your eye, whether it’s a shared interest, a funny photo, or a common background. By commenting on something specific, you’ll show that you’re paying attention and genuinely interested in getting to know them better.

Best Bumble Openers Tip #11: Ask a question

One of the best ways to start a conversation on Bumble is by asking a question. This not only shows that you’re interested in getting to know your match better, but it also gives your match an easy way to respond and keep the conversation flowing. Try to send an open-ended question that gives your match room to write something detailed back.

Best Bumble Openers Tip #12: Make a clever reference

If you notice something in your match’s profile that you can make a clever reference to, then go for it! This shows that you pay attention to details and are thoughtful.

Best Bumble Openers Tip #13: Send a GIF or meme

This is one of the easiest openers to send on Bumble. A fun GIF or meme is a great way to inject some humor and personality into your opening line. Look for something that’s relevant to your match’s profile or interests, or just something that’ll make them laugh.

Best Bumble Openers Tip #14: Share a fun fact about yourself

Sharing a fun fact about yourself is a great way to break the ice and give your match a glimpse into your personality. For example, you could say something like, “Fun fact: I can recite the entire script of The Princess Bride. What’s your favorite movie quote?”

Best Bumble Openers Tip #15: Propose a playful challenge

A playful challenge can spark some friendly competition and get your match’s attention. For example, you could say something like, “I bet I can name your top three favorite movies based on your profile. Want to see me work my magic?”

Best Bumble Openers Tip #16: Use a pickup line

Most women hate getting pickup lines from guys on dating apps, but most guys love them. Pickup lines can be hit or miss, but if you can come up with something unique and creative, it can be a great way to break the ice and set a flirty tone. Look for something that’s relevant to the guy’s profile or interests, or just something that’s clever and funny. It’s best to anything that’s too cheesy or overused.

Best Bumble Openers Tip #17: Invite them to play two truths and a lie

Two truths and a lie is a fun game that’s great for getting to know someone on a dating app. Asking your match to play two truths and a lie in your Bumble opener can start the conversation off strong and immediately teach you a lot about them, while giving you the chance to tell them about yourself.

Why is it so hard to write good openers on Bumble?

Here are a few reasons why writing good opening lines can be challenging.

Bumble Opener Challenge #1: Lack of information

One of the biggest challenges of writing a opening lines for Bumble is the lack of information about who your match is. Unlike meeting someone in person, you don’t have any nonverbal cues to go off of, such as body language or tone of voice. Instead, you have to rely solely on their profile and photos to try and gauge their personality and interests. And their profile might be pretty limited as it is.

Bumble Opener Challenge #2: Overthinking it

Because the opening message on Bumble is so important, it’s easy to overthink it and get stuck in your own head. You might worry about coming across as too eager or not interesting enough, which can lead to writer’s block.

Bumble Opener Challenge #3: Fear of rejection

Let’s face it – no one likes being rejected. And when you send an opener to a match, it can be tough to face the possibility of being ignored or receiving a lukewarm response.

Bumble Opener Challenge #4: Pressure to stand out

With so many potential matches out there, you want to make a good first impression and stand out from the competition on Bumble. With everyone else trying to do the same thing, it can be tough to find a unique and memorable way to start the conversation.

Bumble Opener Challenge #5: Different preferences

The reality is that everyone has different preferences when it comes to what they find attractive or interesting. What works as a good opening line for one guy on Bumble may not work for another, which can make it even harder to come up with good openers that appeal to a wide range of men.

Most common mistakes women make when writing Bumble openers

When writing openers on Bumble, there are several mistakes that women make. Here are some common mistakes and our tips for how to send good openers by avoiding them:

Bumble Opener Mistake #1: Being too generic

One of the most common mistakes women make when sending openers on Bumble is being too generic. Using a generic opener like “Hey” or “How’s it going?” can make you blend in with the crowd and not stand out from the other messages that a guy might receive. Instead, try to be specific and personalize your message to something you found interesting on his profile.

Bumble Opener Mistake #2: Being too serious

Sending a first message on Bumble that’s too heavy or deep can be a turn-off and come across as needy or desperate. Instead, try to keep things light and playful. Funny Bumble openers are good Bumble openers.

Bumble Opener Mistake #3: Writing too much

Sending a long message can be overwhelming and difficult to read, which increases the odds of it being ignored. Instead, try to keep your message short and sweet, with just enough information to catch his attention and start a conversation. The best opening lines for Bumble are just a sentence or two.

Bumble Opener Mistake #4: Not asking a question

Openers that don’t pose any question can make it difficult for a guy to know how to respond, and can lead to a one-sided conversation. Instead, try to ask a question that’s relevant to his profile, interests, or hobbies, which can make it easier for him to respond and keep the conversation going.

Examples of good first messages on Bumble

While it’s ideal to write your own unique opener when you message any new match on Bumble, here are some first message ideas you can draw inspiration from or use directly.

  • “Hey [Name], I see in your profile that you love traveling. What’s your favorite place you’ve visited so far?”
  • “I can’t take my eyes off your adorable dog in your profile picture. What’s their name, breed, and criteria in a dog mom? ;)”
  • “Hey, I see we both love [common interest from their profile]. Have you been to any cool [related activity] spots around here?”
  • “Hey! I love your taste in music, it’s similar to mine. Have you listened to any good new albums recently?”
  • “I saw you’re into [hobby] too. What got you interested in it, and how long have you been doing it?”
  • “I see you’re a foodie too. What’s your favorite cuisine?”
  • “I noticed you love hiking too! What’s your favorite trail in the area?”
  • “Hi [Name], I noticed we both visited [common interest location], what did you think about it?”
  • “Hey [Name], I love your [picture/interest], where was that taken?”

Want Help Creating a Great Bumble Profile?

We at The Match Lab have spent years studying the science of how to write a good Bumble profile and how to select the right photos to use.

After years of research, we have developed a dating photo analyzer that uses an algorithm to select any person’s best photos for Bumble, or any other dating app. Just upload some photos of yourself, and our algorithm will reveal which photos you should be using in your Bumble profile and the ideal order they should go in.

We also offer professional dating profile writing services. Our professional Bumble profile writer can write your Bumble bio and prompts for you and help your profile shine.

Get started now, or learn more about us on our website, so you can start getting more likes and better matches on Bumble.

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