The Match Lab

Dating Tips

Breaking down the psychology of dating and the science of attraction.

We conduct research to uncover new dating tips that actually work. Read our blog posts here to learn about our findings and discover a smarter way to date.

Dating Tips
Funny deer jokes: "What’s a deer’s least favorite type of bread? Sour doe." What’s every deer’s favorite place to get coffee? Star-bucks." "Why did the deer need braces? He had buck teeth."
Funny cookie jokes: "What’s a cookie’s favorite Beatles song? Crumb Together." "Why did the Oreo visit a dentist? To get a filling replacement." "How do cookies freshen their breath? With mint chips."
Funny Chrismas knock knock jokes: "Knock, knock. Who's there? Ken. Ken who? Ken I open my gifts now, please?" "Knock, knock. Who's there? Yule. Yule who? Yule find out when you open the door!" "Knock, knock. Who’s there? Boo. Boo who? Don't cry, Santa’s coming soon!"
Funny Mario jokes: "What is Mario’s favorite musical? Mamma Mia." "What happened to Mario’s cart when he parked illegally? It got toad." "What is Mario’s favorite brand of chocolate milk? Yoo-hoo!"
Funny vampire jokes: "Why did the vampire read the newspaper? He heard it had great circulation." "Why did the vampire flunk art class and become a nurse? He could only draw blood." "What’s a vampire’s favorite ice cream flavor? Vein-illa."
Funny construction jokes: "What’s a construction worker’s least favorite season? Fall." "How do construction workers party? They raise the roof." "Why don’t construction workers ever need to go to the bar? Because they get hammered at work."
Funny submarine jokes: "Why did the submarine flunk school? It kept going below C level." "Why don’t submarines get stressed? They’re used to being under a lot of pressure." "What do you call a submarine sailor who isn’t talkative or energetic? A subdued sub dude."
Funny Uranus jokes: "How do you set Uranus on fire? Eat a few too many jalapeños." "How do you organize an orgy in space? You planet on Uranus." "Why is Uranus so dangerous? It’s leaking toxic gases."
Funy squirrel jokes: "A squirrel once said, “You are what you eat.” Everyone thought he was nuts." "What's a squirrel’s favorite streaming service? Nut-flix." "Why do squirrels swim on their back? To keep their nuts dry."
Funny airplane jokes: "What do you call it when you're sick of being at the airport? Terminal illness." "Why did the airplane go to therapy? It had too much baggage." "What's the worst part about pilot school? The crash courses."