The Match Lab

Dating Tips

Breaking down the psychology of dating and the science of attraction.

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Dating Tips
Funny mushroom jokes: "Why was the mushrooms so confident? Because he had great morel support." "Why did the mushroom take so long in the bathroom? He was taking a big shiitake." "Why don’t shrooms ever tie their shoes? Because they’re always tripping."
Funny butt jokes: "What did one butt cheek say to the other? "Together, we can stop this crap." What did the butt say after a long day? "I’m wiped." "How do butts communicate with each other? By making booty calls."
Funny potato jokes: "How do potatoes resolve an argument? They hash it out." "Why did the potato smoke weed? It wanted to get baked." "Why did the potato go to the hospital? It had tuber-culosis."
Funny cowboy jokes: "What do you call a happy cowboy? A jolly rancher." "Why did the cowboy take an art class? To learn how to draw his gun." "Why was the cowboy a good musician? He had a great range."
Funny Tuesday jokes: "Why is Tuesday the most optimistic day? It still believes the week will get better." "What do you call a Tuesday with no work? Snoozeday." "Why did Taco Tuesday start? To give people something to taco 'bout at work."
Funny big forehead jokes: "Your forehead is so big, you get sunburned from your desk lamp." "What do you call a big forehead? A fivehead!" "Your forehead is so big, mind readers charge you double."
Funny pokémon jokes: "What’s a Pokémon trainer’s favorite pick up line? “Can I Squirtle on your Jiggleypuffs?” "Why was the trainer shocked when his Pokémon evolved? It was Onix-pected!" "What's a Pokémon's favorite type of gum? Pikachew!"
Funny water jokes: "How do you make holy water? You boil the hell out of it!" "How do you know if a river is rich? It has two banks!" "How do you know if a glacier is rich? It has lots of liquid assets!"
Funny pumpkin jokes: "What's a pumpkin's favorite sport? Squash!" "What do you get if you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter? Pumpkin Pi." "What's a pumpkin's favorite genre of music? Vine-yl!"
Funny ocean jokes: "How does the ocean say hello? It waves!" "Why did the ocean break up with the pond? It thought the pond was too shallow." "Why do fish live in salt water? Because pepper makes them sneeze!"